This piece was written by I. K. Taimni and published by The American Theosophist in November 1970.
This piece was written by I. K. Taimni and published by The American Theosophist in November 1970.
This study guide offers a pathway into yoga studies, specifically through the study of the short, enigmatic verses of a classical text called the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. The purpose of the study guide is to encourage the exploration of the Yoga Sūtras, knowing that the insights gained can be helpful, perhaps vital, components of your spiritual journey.
Many Westerners know the word yoga through classes in the physical postures, yet Patañjali only briefly mentions postures (āsana). Yoga postures are useful for many people and have a place, but they are not the chief or only practice of yoga. If you are a practitioner of postures, you may also have some knowledge of breathwork, ethics, and intent. Think of your practice up until now as a gateway into a more profound experience.
Continue reading A Review of
Saving Capitalism for the Many, Not the Few (2015) 279pp.
By Robert Reich
Synopsis: The economic issues of our time are “profoundly moral” ones, according to Robert Reich, Professor of Public Policy who has served in three national administrations and written 14 books. Reich points to the false “myth of meritocracy” which justifies our current economic situation and assumes that “one’s income reflects one’s virtue and [one’s] net worth, one’s moral worth.” Continue reading
Hello, if you’re like me, you worry that humanity may not be up to the task of confronting and solving our many global problems. Lately, however, I’m more optimistic. That’s because I’m tracking a number of spiritually- or morally-based practical visionary solutions to these global issues. Continue reading
Spirituality calls us to be “inclusive” — to treat everyone we encounter with understanding and acceptance, if possible, and especially those quite different from ourselves, for whatever reason. But inclusiveness may be more difficult in Portland than in other cities, especially the inclusiveness that involves different races and peoples. Continue reading