2024 Spring Presentations

Doors open at 1:00 PM and programs begin promptly at 2:00 PM, unless otherwise noted. Programs typically run 60–75 minutes. Programs are held at the Theosophical Society In Portland location and on ZOOM.

January 21, 2024Topic: Sound and Light Healing Arts. Examine clarification of your role in the Divine Plan. Discover inspiration to find your VOICE in a New Paradigm and experience the creation of new opportunities.

Presenter: Jan Sara Jorgensen

February 18, 2024Topic: Spirals – Cosmic Bridges Between Dimensions. Much has been said and written about spirals, but this lecture uses a fresh perspective to consider their role as dimensional links between planes of consciousness and even the realms of matter and spirit. It begins by discussing how peoples in former times and cultures used spirals in their art to out-picture this phenomenon from their observations of the macrocosm. We then quarks, and how three important theosophists—C.W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant. We will also use the lens of science to examine several specific examples of spirals as links between various states of human consciousness. These include the topics of DNA, sleep, and chakras, which all function as spirals bridges between the different planes of matter. We end by pondering a key spiral which functions as a conduit for our journey on earth from matter to Spirit.

Presenter: Lucia Hodges

March 2, 2024Members Only – Topic: Awakening Wisdom — A Method of Meditative Inquiry. Meditative Inquiry transcends mere intellectual study and helps us to awaken inner wisdom, while empowering us to engage with life’s complexities from a higher perspective. Through this practice, a sacred space emerges, freeing us from conditioned thought and inviting insights to inspire us. We plan to examine a collection of letters written by Madame Blavatsky to the American Conventions, in which she expresses her interest in Theosophical living. She emphasizes the significance of what she referred to as “the Ethics of Theosophy,” stressing the importance of integrating the principles of the esoteric philosophy into our everyday lives.

Presenter: Michele Sender

March 3, 2024Open to the Public – Topic: A Path to Lasting Transformation: Theosophy offers a vast array of teachings concerning the spiritual journey, presenting a Holistic approach that nurtures the development of our physical, moral, mental, and spiritual aspects. These teachings are not meant to be followed in the forest or on the mountain. They are intended to be practiced in the midst of the challenges faced in our daily lives. In this talk, Pablo will present the foundations of a practice that provides a lasting transformation bringing strength, wisdom, and compassion into our everyday lives.

Presenter: Pablo Sender

April 21, 2024 Topic: More information on the Life of Jesus.  Jesus in India and his travels back to Jerusalem from India at age 30.

Presenter: Clare Goldsberry

May 19, 2024 Topic: Prophecy of a Higher Self Yoga.  Discussions on proven disciplines and practices.

Presenter: Ursla Velonis

Ursula Velonis, Ph.D., has served as a psychotherapist and life coach in the United States and Canada for over 30 years. Her practice centers on holistic approaches from self-awareness and mindfulness to psychosynthesis and cognitive methods for personal and spiritual growth. Her long-term meditation and Higher Self Yoga practice prepared her to facilitate and lead workshops, seminars and meditation courses in the United States, Canada, Holland and India. She is the author of several books on integral ethics, meditation and evolutionary peace leadership.

June, 23, 2024Topic: Seven Chains in One Grand Scheme. Explore the concepts of Rounds, Chains and Globes. Discover how things are in the same space but not of the same substance. Discuss Root Races. Contemplate Manifestation, Evolution and Beyond.

Presenter: Ron Karsten