Action Projects

Service to others, along with meditation and study, are the three basics of living a theosophical life.

Sometimes, one’s aid to others takes the form of a spontaneous soul impulse. At other times, it takes the form of organized group activity. Since the early 19th century, groups dedicated to the welfare and uplift of other people and the Planet have proliferated and spread across the globe. The arm of the Theosophical Society (TS) dedicated to such organized service is called the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS), founded in 1908, with chapters in almost 40 countries. The TOS is an independent volunteer service organization aligned with the TS and working in the areas of education, ecology, healing, family, animal welfare, emergency relief, and peace.

Each year, as part of its TOS work, the Portland Lodge selects one or more service projects. These have included food contributions to the Oregon Food Bank, support for a Backpack program for needy students, and participation in the TOS Healing Network. This year, our projects, described below, are aiding the homeless and opposing racism. You can join our action projects without being a member of the Theosophical Society.


Provide Hygiene Kits to the Homeless

Homelessness has reached crisis proportions in Portland and around the country. In addition, with so many migrants and displaced people fleeing war, homelessness has become a major feature of our entire world.

In the United States, many groups, and especially churches, are involved in providing aid to the homeless. One simple way to do this is through putting together a “Hygiene Kit” of travel-size toiletries. The Theosophical Society is joining this effort.

We’ve chosen to work through the Union Gospel Mission (UGM) because its staff is composed of many formerly homeless people. The UGM also provides extended training for some of these staff and addresses addiction as one cause of homelessness.

We’ve determined that we get the best bang for our bucks if we order hygiene kit items in bulk, with free shipping on Amazon Prime. We stuff the bags and deliver them to the UGM downtown.

If you would like to help with this project, you can donate here.

Join a National Initiative to Support Black-Owned Restaurants
Urban League of Portland
NAACP Portland Branch 1120B

The Theosophical Society in Portland is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and all donations are tax deductible.