October 2019 – January 2020
Here is our complete schedule from October through January. Please check our News page for updates. Each upcoming presentation will be announced there several days in advance, in addition to any time changes, cancellations, etc.
Boardwalk Plaza
9725 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Suite 110
Beaverton, OR 97005
We have ample parking, with ADA access at the rear of the building. We also can easily be reached by public transit.
Time: 2:00-3:30 PM Sunday afternoons. Refreshments will be offered following the presentations
Fees: Donations gratefully accepted
October 13
Why Study Theosophy? And, The First Fundamental Proposition of Theosophy.
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
In our first program of this series, The Portland Lodge of the Theosophical Society offers the first “Fundamentals of Theosophy” program of our Fall 2019 season. This presentation will provide the public with a unique chance to interact with a panel of three Society members as they discuss why they find the ancient, divine wisdom of Theosophy to be a spiritual oasis in a world filled with tensions and divisiveness between many religions.
The First Fundamental Proposition of Theosophy which declares the underlying unity of all existence (or, One Unified Absolute Reality) will be offered as a starting point. This will provide a way to discuss our world’s and society’s problems resulting from perceived divisions within the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Please join us!
Lee Haga is a retired teacher from Mt. Hood Community College and is a practicing artist. She has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1979. She enjoys sharing theosophical concepts in group settings and has been coordinating Basic Theosophy and Fundamentals of Theosophy discussions for the public for over 12 years..
Fundamentals of Theosophy Group Study: A number of our Sunday Programs will be devoted to fundamental concepts of Theosophy presented in an informal format and led by a lodge member. As a group, we will study and discuss some of these influential concepts. All levels of interest are welcome.
October 20
Wisdom from the Yoga Sutras
Presented by Judith Sugg, Ph.D.
Practices like meditation and yoga are hailed today for their health value, but their meaning and power is far deeper and richer. In yoga, true freedom happens in the place of stillness. In the classical yoga philosophy, what is Real is present everywhere, but ignorance of our true nature keeps us separate. This interactive talk focuses on the 2000-year-old compilation of experiments that form the basis for the practices of yoga for higher consciousness.
Judith Sugg is teacher and writer who is intrigued with the power and clarity of the ancient texts and the light they bring to our present moment. She has written on mindfulness and conflict resolution as well as the overlap of psychology and yoga and has recently finished a study guide on the Yoga Sutras. She is a long-time Theosophist and member of the Portland lodge. As a licensed counselor, she worked with clients with addictions and wrote two books in her field. She has taught yoga and meditation for 28 years.
November 3
The Second Proposition of Theosophy: The Universal Law of Periodicity
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
What do high and low tides, night and day, and life and death all have in common? They are manifestations of the Second Proposition, i.e. the Universal Law of Periodicity, This Law, which is discernible on all levels of Nature and life on this planet, exemplifies the concept of Abstract Space and constant Abstract Motion, or the Great Breath, in and out.
It might be easy to take the influence of this Law for granted, since it is so closely interwoven into our daily lives on the physical plane. However, once acknowledged, its acceptance can enhance our understanding of the rhythm of our endeavors and its influence on our actions and “footprint.” Please join us for this discussion!.
November 17
Conscious Energetics
Presented by Ron Karsten, MSM
Examine the impact of conscious intent as you review the potential of using Chakras and Sephirot from the Tree of Life as tools to communicate effectively with others. Review your personal abilities in terms of how you perceive the world and how you use this perception to apply your preferred style of interpersonal communication. Review the effectiveness of your interactions and consider synchronizing and aligning various skills you can use in your daily routines. Develop natural linguistics and set thought intentions that will reinforce communication abilities. Make the best possible use of your energy and anticipate meaningful outcomes.
Ron Karsten is a member of the Portland Lodge and a Life Member of the Theosophical Society in America. He has been active in Adult Learning at the University level for over 30 years. His encouraging style inspires others to seek long-term goals that reinforce harmonious and persistent outcomes. He thinks of developing true natural genius as a combinatorial process of discovering and facilitating the potential accomplishments of others.
December 1
Seven Proven Steps to Become Your Higher Self
Presented by Sue Prescott, MSW
Spiritual teachers and gurus emphasize getting in touch and becoming one with our Higher Self. How is this done? What actions are taken to complete this? From the many guidelines that have been taught, the top 7 practical steps will be discussed that teach us to purify ourselves and tune our vehicles of consciousness—the mind, heart and body—to become one with the consciousness of the Divine Self. Join Sue Prescott as she explores the teachings stories and the guidance from spiritual traditions around the world that show us how to become effective channels for the Divine energy from our inner Spiritual Self.
Sue Prescott is a therapist, theosophist and frequent lecturer at the Seattle lodge and surrounding area. She is author of Realizing the Self Within—an overview of the concepts of spirituality that can be applied to relationships and self-improvement.
December 8
The Third Proposition of Theosophy: The Cyclic Law of the Universe.
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
The concept of the Cyclic Law allows the audience to explore their relationship with the Oversoul. This Law states that we are each connected as sparks of the Divine to the Universal Oversoul. As such, every spark, soul, or being must travel through its own specifically designated time span, or cycle, in this world until that spark is “extinguished” and returns to be absorbed into the Oversoul.
How does this last Proposition affect our attitude to our own current purpose on this journey? How can our day-to-day thought patterns, emotions, actions, and attachments be impacted by a deeper understanding of these repetitions regarding future patterns? Please join us to consider this proposition’s impact and importance on our daily and future life cycles.
January 5
Fundamentals of Theosophy: The Theosophical View of Man and His Seven Fields
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
Interpenetrating the dense matter of our physical world are other higher fields composed of frequencies. In the same way, man has higher fields composed of these finer grades of matter that permeate his dense physical body or vehicle. Please join us as we discuss man’s seven fields and their conveyances of expression and importance. You will never think the same about your potential impact!
- Online classes are available through the Theosophical Society in America
- Additional learning opportunities are available through the Krotona Institute of Theosophy
While all of our Sunday programs are free, donations are critical to funding our public program series. The Theosophical Society in Portland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for supporting our programs!