November 2020 – January 2021
Here is our complete schedule for November through January. Please check our News page for updates. Each upcoming presentation will be announced there several days in advance, in addition to any time changes, cancellations, etc.
Times: 2:00-3:30 PM Sunday afternoons
Location: Zoom. We presently are meeting via Zoom until further notice due to lock-down restrictions. Please see the individual event entries on our News page for Zoom details.
November 8, 2020
Why Study Theosophy? And, The First Fundamental Proposition of Theosophy.
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
In our first program of this series, The Portland Lodge of the Theosophical Society offers the first “Fundamentals of Theosophy” program of our 2020–2021 season. This presentation will provide the public with a unique chance to interact with Portland Theosophical Society members as they discuss why they find the ancient, divine wisdom of Theosophy to be a spiritual oasis in a world filled with tensions and divisiveness between many religions. The First Fundamental Proposition of Theosophy which declares the underlying unity of all existence (One Unified Absolute Reality) will be offered as a starting point. This will provide a way to discuss our world’s and society’s problems resulting from perceived divisions within the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Please join us!
The First Fundamental Proposition of Theosophy which declares the underlying unity of all existence (or, One Unified Absolute Reality) will be offered as a starting point. This will provide a way to discuss our world’s and society’s problems resulting from perceived divisions within the physical, mental and spiritual planes. Please join us!
Lee Haga is a retired teacher from Mt. Hood Community College and is a practicing artist. She has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 1979. She enjoys sharing theosophical concepts in group settings and has been coordinating Basic Theosophy and Fundamentals of Theosophy discussions for the public for over 12 years..
Fundamentals of Theosophy Group Study: A number of our Sunday Programs will be devoted to fundamental concepts of Theosophy presented in an informal format and led by a lodge member. As a group, we will study and discuss some of these influential concepts. All levels of interest are welcome.
November 15
G.I. Gurdjieff: Waking Up from the Sleep of Daily Life
Presented by Richard Smoley, Theosophical Society National Speaker
Am I asleep? Many people have found themselves asking this question. The great spiritual teacher G. I. Gurdjieff said that human beings are actually asleep in day-to-day life, and that we habitually walk around in a low-grade hypnotic stupor. What is the nature of this waking sleep, and what is the way out of it? Gurdjieff’s teaching, which he called the “Fourth Way,” tries to answer these questions.
Richard Smoley is a distinguished authority on the mystical and esoteric teachings of Western civilization. Editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America, he is the author of The Deal: A Guide to Radical and Complete Forgiveness. Other books of his include Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions (with Jay Kinney), Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition; Supernatural: Writings on an Unknown History; The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe; Conscious Love; The Essential Nostradamus; and Forbidden Faith: The Secret History of Gnosticism..
December 6
The Second Proposition of Theosophy: The Universal Law of Periodicity
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
What do high and low tides, night and day, and life and death all have in common? They are manifestations of the Second Proposition, i.e. the Universal Law of Periodicity, This Law, which is discernible on all levels of Nature and life on this planet, exemplifies the concept of Abstract Space and constant Abstract Motion, or the Great Breath, in and out.
It might be easy to take the influence of this Law for granted, since it is so closely interwoven into our daily lives on the physical plane. However, once acknowledged, its acceptance can enhance our understanding of the rhythm of our endeavors and its influence on our actions and “footprint.” Please join us for this discussion!.
December 13
Spiritual Initiation — The Path of Becoming the Soul
Presented by Therese Rossignol
The soul seeks to express through its imperfect instrument, the personality. The personality consists of the collective energies of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. In the journey of awakening and consciousness, these elements of personality progress through discrete and somewhat predictable stages as they increasingly come under the soul’s influence. As this process develops, and we move along the Path of Initiation, we become an increasingly effective instrument of the soul’s expression, becoming more ‘light’ filled and reflective of the soul’s true nature. This program explores the soul-person infusion process stages, more commonly referred to as initiation.
Presentation Agenda: Overview of the process of awakening
- Multi-incarnational view
- The Journey of Lifetimes
- The Lotus petals
- The Chakras
- Spiritual Initiation as Internal Process
- Features of the Major Initiations on the Path of Becoming the Soul
- Probationary
- Awakening
- Baptism
- Transfiguration
- Crucifixion
- Revelation (Resurrection)
Therese Rossignol is a life-long student of spirit. She has been a student of Theosophy and the Ageless Wisdom for 12 years, studying independently, through the Morya Federation, and William Meader. Through her passion, Soul Bridging, Therese works to bring the Ageless Wisdom to those awakening to their higher spiritual purpose. Therese uses Esoteric Astrology and The Seven Rays or Rayology to help others better understand their soul’s purpose and their journey of becoming the soul and living more light-filled lives.
January 10, 2021
The Third Proposition of Theosophy: The Cyclic Law of the Universe.
Fundamentals of Theosophy, group study hosted by Lee Haga
The concept of the Cyclic Law allows the audience to explore their relationship with the Oversoul. This Law states that we are each connected as sparks of the Divine to the Universal Oversoul. As such, every spark, soul, or being must travel through its own specifically designated time span, or cycle, in this world until that spark is “extinguished” and returns to be absorbed into the Oversoul.
How does this last Proposition affect our attitude to our own current purpose on this journey? How can our day-to-day thought patterns, emotions, actions, and attachments be impacted by a deeper understanding of these repetitions regarding future patterns? Please join us to consider this proposition’s impact and importance on our daily and future life cycles.
January 24
Reflecting on 2020, Evaluating Possible Options for 2021 and Moving Into 2021 with Purpose and Direction
Presented by Sheila Hunter
Where are we going, how do we prepare and how do we get there? Discover ways to resonate with the universe, discuss proven methods and techniques to evaluate old behaviors and commit to new choices for dealing with the new year. Participants will have the opportunity to examine current events to put possibilities in perspective to help when dealing with the future opportunities. Personal growth, healing and development will be discussed. Attendees will investigate the mechanics and energy of the Torus and consider the effects of how sound, tones and vibration can be used to clear the Chakras.
Sheila Hunter’s life is filled with significant Theosophical experiences. She has been an active member of the Theosophical Society since early childhood. She lived in the same house as Krishnamurti at the Theosophical Headquarters in Wheaton. IL. She will present our first Public Program of the year with the intent to provide others with choices regarding coping with these times of evolution.
Boardwalk Plaza
9725 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Suite 110
Beaverton, OR 97005
We have ample parking, with ADA access at the rear of the building. We also can easily be reached by public transit.
Time: 2:00-3:30 PM Sunday afternoons. Refreshments will be offered following the presentations
Fees: Donations gratefully accepted
- Online classes are available through the Theosophical Society in America
- Additional learning opportunities are available through the Krotona Institute of Theosophy
While all of our Sunday programs are free, donations are critical to funding our public program series. The Theosophical Society in Portland is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for supporting our programs!