Visionary Solutions to National and Global Problems

In the interest of exploring a number of practical, spiritually or morally based solutions to such human problems as political polarization, wealth inequality, climate change, etc., book reviews will be posted in this space about possible solutions. If you know of any visionary solutions you’d like to see included or want to give us feedback, please use the contact form below.

As you’ll see, some of these visionary solutions address national issues, some global ones. But they all tend to flow together to present a hopeful and possible vision of what human can actually attain with clear thinking and cooperative effort.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.


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A Clarifying Note

The Theosophical Society is politically neutral and takes no positions in matters of politics, economics, etc. The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS), however, takes up any work that makes practical the idea of Unity (not uniformity) and Universal Brotherhood/Sis­ter­hood. (The term “humanity” is not used because Brotherhood includes all sentient life, not merely human life.)

It’s in the spirit of offering practical tools for furthering true Unity that we offer these various visionary solutions for your consideration.

Comments, Questions, suggestions

Do you have comments, questions, or suggestions regarding Visionary Solutions To National and Global Problems? Please use this form to let us know.

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The Theosophical Society in Portland is not responsible for any statement on this website made by anyone, unless contained in an official document of the Society. The opinions of all writers are their own.