Timeless Truths of the Secret Doctrine — Their Importance for This Era

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 18, 2:00 PM  •  Presented by Fiona C. Odgren

The most significant teachings of H.P. Blavatsky’s ground-breaking work, The Secret Doctrine, are presented and discussed as to their relevance and practical application in these complex times. We will focus especially on the ideas that form the major keynotes of the work which help keep us centered and from becoming overwhelmed by the more erudite, esoteric teachings contained in the work. Continue reading

Reinvent the Corporation and Restore Moral Worth to Everyone

Create a More Inclusive Economy;
Reinvent the Corporation and Restore Moral Worth to Everyone

A Review of
Saving Capitalism for the Many, Not the Few (2015) 279pp.
Robert Reich

Synopsis: The economic issues of our time are “profoundly moral” ones, according to Robert Reich, Professor of Public Policy who has served in three national administrations and written 14 books. Reich points to the false “myth of meritocracy” which justifies our current economic situation and assumes that “one’s income reflects one’s virtue and [one’s] net worth, one’s moral worth.” Continue reading

The Soul and Its Creative Destiny

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 11, 2:00 PM  •  Presented by William Meader

The destiny of the soul is to creatively express its wisdom as an act of service to humanity. When this is done with loving heart and purpose, an individual’s influence in the world is uplifting and profound. In this talk, William Meader will reveal how to more effectively manifest the soul’s creative intention. This will involve a deep and profound look at the steps to be followed in the ancient art of spiritual magic (creativity). He will also reveal how to recognize the soul in the day-to-day aspects of life. Continue reading

Kharma/Dharma // Dharma/Kharma

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 4, 2:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: It can be said that “kharma” and “dharma” represent two Theosophical sides of the same “coin.” These two ancient laws are intrinsically linked as the primary, impersonal forces shaping all past, present, and future life cycles. Kharma has often been defined as “fate” and Dharma as “duty,” but these definitions can be sometimes misleading. Continue reading

The Eleusinian Mysteries

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 21, 2:00 PM  •  Presented by Patricia Fulbright

For more than a thousand years (1400 BCE–400 CE) near Athens, the Eleusinian Mysteries, a ritual lasting nine days, offered Greek-speaking people a life-changing spiritual initiation. Of it the playwright Sophocles says, “Thrice-blessed are those mortals who have seen these rites and thus enter into Hades (the Underworld), for them alone there is life, for the others all is misery.” Continue reading

Human Consciousness and Solving Global Problems

Can Human Consciousness Rise to a Level Where We Can Collectively Solve Our Looming Global Problems?

Hello, if you’re like me, you worry that humanity may not be up to the task of confronting and solving our many global problems. Lately, however, I’m more optimistic. That’s because I’m tracking a number of spiritually- or morally-based practical visionary solutions to these global issues. Continue reading

Visionary Solutions to National and Global Problems

In the interest of exploring a number of practical, spiritually or morally based solutions to such human problems as political polarization, wealth inequality, climate change, etc., book reviews will be posted in this space about possible solutions. If you know of any visionary solutions you’d like to see included or want to give us feedback, please use the contact form below.

As you’ll see, some of these visionary solutions address national issues, some global ones. But they all tend to flow together to present a hopeful and possible vision of what human can actually attain with clear thinking and cooperative effort.

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Getting “Current” with Electro-Medicine

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 14, 2:00 PM  •  Presented by Steve Herrington

The electrical qualities of our human bodies are in some ways more significant than the biochemical factors affecting our health — after nearly a century of suppression the powerful technologies of electro-medicine are now reemerging into public awareness! Electrons are constantly flowing throughout our bodies — and not just through the nervous system, but through our veins, arteries, connective tissues and even our bones. Electro-medicine works through this innate bio-electrical system and there’s a considerable variety of well-established but little known technologies that can help to bring about seemingly miraculous healing. Continue reading

The Theosophical View of Man and His Seven Fields

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 7, 2:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Interpenetrating the dense matter of our physical world are other “higher” planes or fields composed of finer grades of matter vibrating at higher frequencies. In the same way, man also has “higher” fields composed of these finer grades of matter interpenetrating his dense, physical body, or “vehicle.” Today’s study group discussion will cover man’s seven fields and their conveyances, or vehicles of expression.