
Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 5, 3:00 pm  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: The concept of Dharma can be defined as duty, sometimes law, sometimes morality, and sometimes righteousness. As Annie Besant says in her book on the subject, “Morality is an individual thing and varies with the dharma of the individual.… Hence, what is right for one is wrong for another. There is nothing absolute in a conditioned universe.” And, as Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “Better is one’s own Dharma, though destitute of merit, than the well executed Dharma of another…” Continue reading


Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 22, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Steve Herrington

Right FootJoin us for an introduction to the highly accessible healing art of Reflexology — through which deep healing can be indirectly triggered in specific areas throughout one’s body by massage of specific areas of the feet and other ‘end-points’ of the body, such as the hands and ears. Continue reading

The Art of Dying

POSTPONED to Feb. 12 due to weather.

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 15, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Christine Maitland, Ph.D.

death_and_dyingHow can death be practiced? No one has returned from the experience to guide us, although there are people who report near death experiences. What is death? Is there anything that survives it? These questions have intrigued thinkers of all times. There are many ideas and beliefs about the afterlife, i.e., eternal life in heaven/hell, reincarnation, nothing at the end of physical life. Continue reading


CANCELED due to winter storm warnings.

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 8, 3:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Theosophy tells us that reincarnation is the means for the evolution of consciousness, with the ultimate flowering of each individual into a perfected being who graduates from the school of human life. Why don’t we remember our past lives? How do our past lives affect us today? Our group discussion will cover these and other questions.


Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
karmaDecember 4, 3:00 pm  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: A study of karma would suggest that nothing happens by chance. Join us for a group discussion of how Theosophy explains karma as the impersonal law of cause and effect in our individual lives as well as at such broader levels as family karma and national karma.

Letting Go • The Art of Releasing Negativity

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
November 13, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Judith Sugg, Ph.D.

hold-on-let-goAlmost all of us struggle with letting go of negatives in our life, whether they show up as resentment, disappointment, anger, sadness, or fear. As seekers, many of us feel bad or guilty when our thoughts are less than kind, and behaviors are less than our ideal. The Yoga Sutras teaches about personal mind-traps, the noise in our head, but it also talks about the human condition Continue reading

The Theosophical View of Man and His Seven Fields

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
first_principles_of_thesophy_066November 6, 3:00 pm  •  Group Study

Interpenetrating the dense matter of our physical world are other “higher” planes or fields composed of finer grades of matter vibrating at higher frequencies. In the same way, man also has “higher” fields composed of these finer grades of matter interpenetrating his dense physical body. Today’s study group discussion will cover man’s seven fields and his vehicles of expression in them.

Gothic Tales of Mystery and Imagination

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
October 30, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Patricia Fulbright

Welcome to the imaginary realm where an eerie Gothic flame illuminates our human world in unfamiliar, dark, even frightening dimensions. Allow yourself to enter an ancient, remote castle or, perhaps, the shadowy crypt of an abandoned abbey to discover dreadful secrets of unspeakable evil, of uncanny forces at play. Continue reading

Living Theosophy Through Compassion and Service

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
October 23, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Nancy Secrest

Living Theosophy requires that we live each day recognizing the Oneness of all life, inherent in the First Object of the Theosophical Society, through compassionate action and selfless service. This talk explores the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Annie Besant on altruism, compassion and service. Continue reading