Spirals — Cosmic Bridges Between Dimensions


FREE Public Program on ZOOM  – Sunday, February 18, 2:00 p.m. Pacific time


Much has been said and written about spirals, but this lecture uses a fresh perspective to consider their role as dimensional links between planes of consciousness. 

We begin by discussing how peoples in former times and cultures used spirals in their art to out-picture observed phenomena. We will then investigate the smallest microcosm humans have been able to perceive. This topic delves into quarks and how three important theosophists—C.W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant and Geoffrey Hodson—used their special power of magnifying clairvoyance to discover these structures over eighty years before scientists ever dreamed of them. 

We will also examine both obvious and subtle ways spirals affect the path of our physical life on earth. These include DNA, sleep, and the chakras, all of which function as spiral bridges between different planes of matter. In closing, you will be invited to ponder some key spirals which function as conduits for our ultimate journey from matter to Spirit. 

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Self-Study Courses

Did you know members get free access to written self-study courses on a variety of topics? Our newest course is: Studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Judith Sugg, Ph.D. This study guide helps you to explore and understand the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. We are happy to provide a sample chapter.

For more information and a list of courses, please visit Self-Study Courses.

Annual Business Meeting

The Theosophical Society in Portland will hold their annual business meeting on Wednesday June 10th. Owing to the current crisis, we will have a virtual meeting online. Because we are a non-profit 501(c)(3), this meeting is open to the public. For information on how you can attend, please contact us. Thank you.