Chakra System • Wise Use of Our Life’s Energy

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
December 2, 2:00 PM • Presented by Judith Sugg, Ph.D.

In Theosophy, we talk about the physical body and etheric form (the energy body) as enabling experience on the physical plane. In the esoteric anatomy of yoga, chakras fire or block specific energies of the personality. As the personality becomes more integrated, access to spiritual wisdom can come more readily and steadily. Each lifetime gives us an opportunity to use our energy wisely, and the holistic chakra system helps provide explanations and inspire practices that lead us to a wiser lifer. The program will include experiential and interactive portions.

Judith Sugg has been a member of the Theosophical Society for over 30 years. Her doctorate in psychology focused on the philosophy and psychology of yoga. She is licensed as a professional counselor, and has taught yoga and mindfulness for over 30 years. Her personal practices include scanning energy on a daily basis.