Megaliths and the Prehistoric Past

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 19, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Robert Caldwell, M.Sc.

Megaliths, or Great Stones, represent the remaining links to prehistoric civilizations. Great Stone Age structures are found world wide, and, while many have been destroyed, there remain thousands of astounding prehistoric structures at which to marvel and contemplate. These megaliths reveal the existence of prehistoric societies with cooperative, coordinated labor forces, inter-cultural trade partners, and ancestral worship practices predating the earliest known civilizations. Little else is known of these early people.

Robert Caldwell is a member of the Megalithic Portal Society, which works to promote historical and archaeological research of megalithic and prehistoric sites. Robert is a megalithic explorer and invites seekers to appreciate the amazing past as told by extant megaliths and ways to access the prehistoric past through the many megalithic communities and websites.