FREE WEBCAST Thursday, November 4, 7:00 p.m. CDT

Is it possible to understand not only the objective phenomenon of sound, but also its inner causes? We will explore the power of sound, its relationship with the etheric realms, some of its cosmological implications, and its link with human intuition.
The use of intuition and creative imagination has been an essential part of the work of great scientists and artists. How were great composers, scientists, and thinkers able to “sense” higher realities, translate them, and then step them down into concrete thoughts, music, words, or mathematical formulae? Does the universe or planet sound our own notes, or do we?
These reflections will take us to the core of the matter: What is meant by “The Harmony of the Spheres,” which Blavatsky claimed not to be a mere philosophical fancy, but a reality?

Eduardo Javier Gramaglia holds a degree in classical philology from National University. He gives seminars, workshops, and lectures on a wide range of Theosophical subjects. His main area of research is the late Hellenistic tradition, particularly its hermetic texts on mystery traditions and astrology. He published Hermetic Astrology in 2006, the first book in Spanish on the ancient astrological traditions. He has taken part in international conventions, given seminars, and published two English translations of Ancient Greek astrological manuals. Eduardo teaches Ancient Religion and Myth, as well as Sanskrit language and literature at National University. He is also the principal pianist and harpsichordist of the Municipal Chamber Orchestra in Cordoba, Argentina and teaches musical analysis and the history of music.