FREE WEBCAST Thursday, August 19, 7:00 p.m. CDT

The Shaman works with the natural world – particularly with the healing and blessing energy of the Plant Kingdom. Native elders connect with the spirit of the plant and have a reverent and deep respect for the apothecary of medicine – not just in their food, but in their powerful healing ceremonies.
The Plant Kingdom and the Tree Nation are the lungs of our world and the apothecary of sustaining food, healing medicine, and ceremonial medicine. They also carry great wisdom and provide cleansing energies, as in the smudging ceremony. Learn about the many beautiful, specialized purification plants and how to respectfully harvest them, as well as how to use them for meditation, aura cleansing, and even cleansing our life’s journey.
Indigenous Native people were given the knowledge of the plants and plant spirits by the Creator to foster a stewardship with plants and the natural world. Billie Topa Tate, Mescalero Apache, will share information about the Medicine Women and Medicine Men who were not only mystics for the tribal people, but also received teachings on the Plant Kingdom and many others.

Billie Topa Tate is the founder of MSI Wellness Center. She is Mescalero Apache and is dedicated to “Creating a Sacred Place One Person at a Time” through the indigenous native teachings of her teachers. Topa Tate has lectured and taught at Northwestern University, The Cancer Treatment Center of America, and more. Her work has been published by several magazines, and she is the author of several meditation recordings. She is dedicated to being of service to anyone who is seeking wellness, mindfulness training, and spiritual growth. To learn more, visit