The Tao of Physics and Beyond: An interview with Fritjof Capra

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, January 13, 7:00 p.m. CDT

the tao of physics and beyond with fritjof capra

Fritjof Capra is a world-renowned scientist, educator, activist, and author. He first became popularly known for his book, The Tao of Physics, which explored the ways in which modern physics was changing our worldview from a mechanistic to a holistic and ecological one. Over the past 30 years, Capra has been engaged in a systematic exploration of how other sciences and society are ushering in a similar shift in worldview, leading to a new vision of reality and a new understanding of the social implications of this cultural transformation.

Richard Smoley, editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America and author of The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe, speaks with Capra on the many aspects of this new vision of reality and its implications in how to live meaningful and responsible lives.


Fritjof Capra received his Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Vienna in 1966 and spent 20 years doing research in theoretical high-energy physics, including at the University of Paris, the University of California at Santa Cruz, the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Imperial College, University of London, and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California. He also taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz; the University of California, Berkeley; and San Francisco State University.

Capra has been the focus of more than 60 television interviews, documentaries, and talk shows in Europe, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, and Japan, and has been featured in major newspapers and magazines internationally. He was the first subject of the BBC’s documentary series, Beautiful Minds.

This program will be streamed live on YouTubeFacebook, and the TSA website on January 13 at 7:00 p.m.CDT.