Here is the handout from the presentation: Handout. The original post on this presentation may be found here: Getting “Current” with Electro-Medicine.
Tag Archives: electro-medicine
Getting “Current” with Electro-Medicine
Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 14, 2:00 PM • Presented by Steve Herrington
The electrical qualities of our human bodies are in some ways more significant than the biochemical factors affecting our health — after nearly a century of suppression the powerful technologies of electro-medicine are now reemerging into public awareness! Electrons are constantly flowing throughout our bodies — and not just through the nervous system, but through our veins, arteries, connective tissues and even our bones. Electro-medicine works through this innate bio-electrical system and there’s a considerable variety of well-established but little known technologies that can help to bring about seemingly miraculous healing. Continue reading