Karma, Reincarnation, and Astrology
Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 16, 2:00 PM • Presented by Judith Hill
The great American psychic Edgar Cayce stated that we could know something of our past life activities by observing our current life’s “proclivities”. Our natal chart provides an accurate portrait of these proclivities; and thus, provides a window into our previous life attainments, (both negative and positive). Furthermore, ancient astrological traditions abound regarding “karma” as shown in the birth chart. One idea is that we are reborn at a time that best reflects us, and our self-generated karmas. However, we must expand this term “karma” to include five distinct types of cause-and-effect. Join Judith Hill for this fascinating tour through the world of karma, reincarnation and the astrological birth chart.
Judith Hill is an award-winning author of ten books including: Medical Astrology, A Guide to Planetary Pathology; The Astrological Body Types; and Astrology & Your Vital Force; and The Lunar Nodes: Your Key to Excellent Chart Interpretation. Judith produces The Renaissance Medicine Conference and Medical Astrology 101 and served as Research Director for the San Francisco National Council for Geocosmic Research in 1989. She was possibly the first to introduce Western Medical Astrology to Szechuan, China. She is an internationally recognized researcher known for co-publishing significant statistical research on astro-genetics and astro-seismology. She is a lifetime consulting astrologer and maintains an international practice.