Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
December 13, 2:00 PM • Presented by Therese Rossignol
The soul seeks to express through its imperfect instrument, the personality. The personality consists of the collective energies of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. In the journey of awakening and consciousness, these elements of personality progress through discrete and somewhat predictable stages as they increasingly come under the soul’s influence. As this process develops, and we move along the Path of Initiation, we become an increasingly effective instrument of the soul’s expression, becoming more ‘light’ filled and reflective of the soul’s true nature. This program explores the soul-person infusion process stages, more commonly referred to as initiation.
Presentation Agenda: Overview of the process of awakening
- Multi-incarnational view
- The Journey of Lifetimes
- The Lotus petals
- The Chakras
- Spiritual Initiation as Internal Process
- Features of the Major Initiations on the Path of Becoming the Soul
- Probationary
- Awakening
- Baptism
- Transfiguration
- Crucifixion
- Revelation (Resurrection)
Therese Rossignol is a life-long student of spirit. She has been a student of Theosophy and the Ageless Wisdom for 12 years, studying independently, through the Morya Federation, and William Meader. Through her passion, Soul Bridging, Therese works to bring the Ageless Wisdom to those awakening to their higher spiritual purpose. Therese uses Esoteric Astrology and The Seven Rays or Rayology to help others better understand their soul’s purpose and their journey of becoming the soul and living more light-filled lives.