Timeless Truths of the Secret Doctrine — Their Importance for This Era

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 18, 2:00 PM  •  Presented by Fiona C. Odgren

The most significant teachings of H.P. Blavatsky’s ground-breaking work, The Secret Doctrine, are presented and discussed as to their relevance and practical application in these complex times. We will focus especially on the ideas that form the major keynotes of the work which help keep us centered and from becoming overwhelmed by the more erudite, esoteric teachings contained in the work. Such teachings as the Oneness of Life, the Law of Periodicity, Reincarnation and Karma, Consciousness, the Nature of Maya, for instance, will be considered individually as to their relevance and usefulness in the 21st century. In addition, this teaching with regard to the existence of invisible Intelligences, called Dhyan Chohans in the East, and Divine Messengers/Angels in the West, will be touched upon, especially the role of the Solar Angels and their connection with the Higher Self in every human being.

Fiona C. Odgren’s interest in spirituality was originally awakened in childhood and awakened further in her 20s when she met her spiritual mentor and future husband who placed her foot on the path of Theosophy and the Ageless Wisdom. Her career in the fields of music and special education proved invaluable for her later work in developing public programs on the teachings of Theosophy which has spanned 30 years. For 16 years she was a writer and editor for a modest Theosophical magazine called Pathways. Fiona is currently president of The Theosophical Society, Victoria, BC, Canada, and has published recently two theosophical thematic compilations: Insights From the Masters based on The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett and Timeless Truths of The Secret Doctrine.