The Nine Stages of Meditation

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Sept. 12, 2:00 PM • Presented by David Hopper

There are numerous paths of self-discovery that lead to a union with God and the Divine. Meditation is one such path. Using a Tibetan thangka with its pictorial imagery, we will explore the various stages of meditation as set down by the ancient traditions in India and Tibet. There are nine distinct stages, which can still find resonance here in our 21st century lives.  

In this talk, we will draw connections with various stages of discipleship and spiritual initiation and understand how the power of thought, mantras, and affirmations play a role in personal  transformation.

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The Importance of Meditation

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
May 2, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Meditation should not necessarily be equated with concentration, but, instead is a method of gradually opening our higher minds on a daily basis to connect to the One, Unified, Absolute Reality. The main obstacle to achieving realization of our True Self is our day-to-day identification with the impermanent, physical planes of our existence (like our bodies, our emotions, and our cursory, fleeting thoughts) as being “real” or permanent. Please join us for a discussion of the various types of meditation and the importance of its practice.

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The Importance of Meditation

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
April 7, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Meditation should not necessarily be equated with concentration, but, instead is a method of gradually opening our higher minds on a daily basis to connect to the One, Unified, Absolute Reality. The main obstacle to achieving realization of our True Self is our day-to-day identification with the impermanent, physical planes of our existence (like our bodies, our emotions, and our cursory, fleeting thoughts) as being “real” or permanent. Please join us for a discussion of the various types of meditation and the importance of its practice.

Lee Haga has been a member of the Theosophical Society in America since 1979, She enjoys moderating group discussions on esoteric topics.

Meditation Program, Part B

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
November 18, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ursula Velonis, Ph.D.

We will provide space and time to share some of the meditation experiences with those present. We will also learn how meditation helps to purify, develop and refine the subtle bodies beyond the physical and etheric, including the mental and fiery.

Ursula Velonis is a speaker, writer, artist, psychotherapist, mentor, adjunct professor, and Higher Self Yoga Practitioner.

Meditation Program, Part A

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
October 28, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ursula Velonis, Ph.D.

Meditation is a well-tested practice towards inwardness. Over centuries, accomplished meditation practitioners verified that our true nature represents who we truly are revealed through meditative efforts. In other words, the journey towards self-disclosure and self-mastery begins at the moment meditation is taken up. Continue reading

The Importance of Meditation

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
April 1, 2:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Meditation should not necessarily be equated with concentration, but, instead is a method of gradually opening our higher minds on a daily basis to connect to the One, Unified, Absolute Reality. The main obstacle to achieving realization of our True Self is our day-to-day identification with the impermanent, physical planes of our existence (like our bodies, our emotions, and our cursory, fleeting thoughts) as being “real” or permanent. Please join us for a discussion of the various types of meditation and the importance of its practice.


Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
April 2, 3:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: It has been said that prayer is when we talk to God, and meditation is when God talks to us. By quieting the “monkey mind,” the lower mind that flits constantly between details and attachments of our daily lives, we can strengthen the higher mind to help us realize our true spiritual being. A steady practice of meditation can increasingly shift our focus from the physical plane to the higher planes to help us achieve this Realization. A discussion of various types and importance of meditation will be beneficial for neophytes and experienced meditators alike.