Spirals — Cosmic Bridges Between Dimensions


FREE Public Program on ZOOM  – Sunday, February 18, 2:00 p.m. Pacific time

Much has been said and written about spirals, but this lecture uses a fresh perspective to consider their role as dimensional links between planes of consciousness. 

We begin by discussing how peoples in former times and cultures used spirals in their art to out-picture observed phenomena. We will then investigate the smallest microcosm humans have been able to perceive. This topic delves into quarks and how three important theosophists—C.W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant and Geoffrey Hodson—used their special power of magnifying clairvoyance to discover these structures over eighty years before scientists ever dreamed of them. 

We will also examine both obvious and subtle ways spirals affect the path of our physical life on earth. These include DNA, sleep, and the chakras, all of which function as spiral bridges between different planes of matter. In closing, you will be invited to ponder some key spirals which function as conduits for our ultimate journey from matter to Spirit. 

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Theosophy and Transformation

Special Saturday Workshop
February 9, 1:00 PM • Presented by Pablo Sender, Ph.D.

Theosophical teachings have great depth and provide a sound explanation of life, human nature, and our evolutionary journey. However, when these teachings are approached as a mere philosophy, they may lose a vital element that can make a difference in the way we live. In this workshop, Pablo Sender will explore how to highlight the practical aspects of the teachings so that they become a force for transformation.

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Problem Solving for Occultists

A Workshop with Kurt Leland

Saturday, November 4, 2017
9:30 AM – 3:00 PM

We often hear or read about subtle bodies and planes. For most of us this information remains in the realm of the theoretical unless we have had an out-of-body experience, near-death experience, or some other mystical experience in which we learn we are more than our physical body. Yet we use these subtle bodies all the time: Continue reading

Developing Spiritual Wisdom

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
March 12, 3:00 PM  •  A video with Pablo Sender

In this video, Pablo Sender explores going beyond concepts to directly experience the spiritual life. He explains that while the teachings help to change our perspective, we must raise our consciousness to a region that is beyond the senses in order to discover the innate wisdom of our spiritual nature. Theosophy teaches that there is just one universal consciousness and that each of us expresses only a fraction of that greater universal Self. We must transcend our physical, emotional, and mental natures in order to directly know that greater life.

Living Spiritually in a Difficult World

Saturday Workshop
March 4, 9:30 AM  •  Presented by Barbara Hebert, Ph.D.

A study of the Ancient Wisdom can provide insight and practical guidance to help us with the challenges of living in our world today. This interactive presentation will review some of the challenges we face as well as some of the teachings and methods offered by the Ancient Wisdom that may support us in living more spiritually. Continue reading

The Theosophical View of Man and His Seven Fields

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
first_principles_of_thesophy_066November 6, 3:00 pm  •  Group Study

Interpenetrating the dense matter of our physical world are other “higher” planes or fields composed of finer grades of matter vibrating at higher frequencies. In the same way, man also has “higher” fields composed of these finer grades of matter interpenetrating his dense physical body. Today’s study group discussion will cover man’s seven fields and his vehicles of expression in them.

Living Theosophy Through Compassion and Service

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
October 23, 3:00 pm  •  Presented by Nancy Secrest

Living Theosophy requires that we live each day recognizing the Oneness of all life, inherent in the First Object of the Theosophical Society, through compassionate action and selfless service. This talk explores the teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Annie Besant on altruism, compassion and service. Continue reading