Living and Dying Fearlessly

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, January 20, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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Fear of death is likely the greatest fear of humankind. It is this fear that creates a reluctance to live life to its fullest. Clare Goldsberry’s journey through the illness and death of her partner gave her an extraordinary new understanding of the meaning of life and why we create our world as we do, and of how we die. Death is not the end-game of life but merely the transition from one experience to another as consciousness moves us through different levels of awareness.

Clare will discuss:

      • How mind creates matter and why we perceive phenomena as “reality”
      • Why identification with our physical bodies promotes fear
      • How fear and uncertainty creates suffering
      • How we can transcend suffering and learn to live in equanimity, helping us to live well so that we can die well

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The Tao of Physics and Beyond: An interview with Fritjof Capra

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, January 13, 7:00 p.m. CDT

the tao of physics and beyond with fritjof capra

Fritjof Capra is a world-renowned scientist, educator, activist, and author. He first became popularly known for his book, The Tao of Physics, which explored the ways in which modern physics was changing our worldview from a mechanistic to a holistic and ecological one. Over the past 30 years, Capra has been engaged in a systematic exploration of how other sciences and society are ushering in a similar shift in worldview, leading to a new vision of reality and a new understanding of the social implications of this cultural transformation.

Richard Smoley, editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America and author of The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe, speaks with Capra on the many aspects of this new vision of reality and its implications in how to live meaningful and responsible lives.

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Quantum Spirituality

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, December 16, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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The great challenges of the world — and our lives — can be solved by merging the wisdom of the past with the best science of today. So says quantum activist, pioneer, and author Amit Goswami, Ph.D. In this workshop, we will catapult light-years beyond conventional thinking about our capabilities and potential. In an intimate presentation of easy-to-grasp science and true-life events, Amit will demonstrate how the marriage of science and spirituality and the cooperation of scientists and mystics can open the door to a new worldview.

We will address the broad aspects of the spiritual heart (which, not by coincidence, is called by many “our home”) from a variety of traditions, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Sufism, and Hinduism, blended naturally with the quantum science viewpoint.

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American Buddhism: Reframing Eastern Principles for the Western World

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, December 9, 7:00 p.m. CDT

american buddhism with ajahn sona

Buddhism is growing rapidly in the United States, and as a result, an identifiably American Buddhism is emerging. Teaching centers, monasteries, and sanghas sprouting up as Western-born leaders reframe ancient principles in contemporary Western terms. John Cianciosi, Director of Public Programs for the Theosophical Society  will share a dialogue with Ajahn Sona, a senior Buddhist monk in the Theravada tradition, to explore a variety of subjects such as the state of Buddhism in America today, the meaning of “enlightenment” and how it is achieved, Buddhist views on ecology, and more.

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Quantum Healing

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, December 2, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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While disease may take place in the body or mind, the capacity to heal is always present if we can trigger our consciousness to act. To do this, we must engage our consciousness in the creative process. Creativity consists of both preparation (doing lots of things) but also relaxing in between — a state of “do, be, do, be, do” — that can spark spontaneous healing. This quantum healing can be done by all of us.

Learn the step-by-step creative process that brings about quantum healing in this experiential workshop. We will delve into the science of the heart and learn how opening the heart can heal us. This workshop will help you understand and be ready to apply the creative healing process in your life as you take a significant step toward emotional maturity and supra mental intelligence.

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Conscious Energetics

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Nov. 14, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ron Karsten

Explore the impact of Conscious Energetics as we review the potential of intentionally combining the awareness of the holistic systems of Chakras and Sephirot. Each lifetime gives us an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of our abilities as we apply the intentional use of higher vibrational energy. Access to spiritual wisdom can emerge more readily and steadily as the human personality becomes more integrated.

Examine how you can manifest personal energy and help inspire the world around you as you deploy the potential of these abilities. Investigate ways to improve communication through the use of interpersonal energy skills in your daily routines. Expand your awareness of energy linguistics and consider ways to improve your effectiveness in the involvement of your human soul as you interface with others. Make the best possible use of your time and energy in this lifetime as you choose to make a positive difference. When you are ready, you will have the ability to choose which Celestial Path you will follow and, accordingly do a better job of contributing to the meaningful outcomes you want to support.he soul itself.

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Exploring the Nature of Reality

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, November 11, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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What is the fundamental nature of reality? Philosophers and scientists tend to give very different answers to this question. The materialist view of many physicists and scientists tells us that energy and matter are fundamental, implying that physical reality is ultimately what is real. On the other hand, idealists believe that consciousness and the mind are the fundamental reality. Idealists argue that things like particles and brain matter are actually best thought of as ideas in consciousness.

Richard Smoley, editor of Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America will share a dialogue with CERN scientist and philosopher Bernardo Kastrup, Ph.D. to explore a wide range of questions regarding the human condition, the nature of reality, the hard problem of consciousness, and the paradoxes of quantum mechanics. They will also discuss the great opportunities for spiritual growth open to humanity at this critical time.

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The Ancient Wisdom and the Occult Side of Sound

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, November 4, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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Is it possible to understand not only the objective phenomenon of sound, but also its inner causes? We will explore the power of sound, its relationship with the etheric realms, some of its cosmological implications, and its link with human intuition.

The use of intuition and creative imagination has been an essential part of the work of great scientists and artists. How were great composers, scientists, and thinkers able to “sense” higher realities, translate them, and then step them down into concrete thoughts, music, words, or mathematical formulae? Does the universe or planet sound our own notes, or do we?

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Psychic Phenomena and Quantum Mechanics

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, October 28, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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Psychic phenomena involve two mysteries. The first is that the mind appears to have access to information unbound by the ordinary senses or the everyday constraints of space and time. The second is that the mind seems to be able to directly influence matter from a distance. Quantum mechanics has the same two mysteries. In this domain the first is called “nonlocality,” and the second is known as the “observer” effect. Are these shared mysteries merely a coincidence, or do they suggest a common source? Two theoretical approaches will be discussed, along with supporting experimental results.

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The Seven Rays — Divine Expression Taking Form

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Oct. 24, 2:00 PM • Presented by Therese Rossignol

Seven streams of consciousness, understood in esoteric traditions, as The Seven Rays, underlie all aspects of manifestation. In this program we will explore the energy of the Seven Rays, the qualities and expression of each ray, and examples of the ray’s expression in sound, color, nature, personality and even the soul itself.

 In this 90-minute talk we will explore the Seven Rays and how understanding this ancient body of knowledge reveals profound clues to life and consciousness. Manifestation of the Seven Rays will be presented along with keywords to describe each ray’s qualities, astrology, representative historical figures, vocations, and personality and soul expression.

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