Conscious Energetics

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Nov. 14, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ron Karsten

Explore the impact of Conscious Energetics as we review the potential of intentionally combining the awareness of the holistic systems of Chakras and Sephirot. Each lifetime gives us an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of our abilities as we apply the intentional use of higher vibrational energy. Access to spiritual wisdom can emerge more readily and steadily as the human personality becomes more integrated.

Examine how you can manifest personal energy and help inspire the world around you as you deploy the potential of these abilities. Investigate ways to improve communication through the use of interpersonal energy skills in your daily routines. Expand your awareness of energy linguistics and consider ways to improve your effectiveness in the involvement of your human soul as you interface with others. Make the best possible use of your time and energy in this lifetime as you choose to make a positive difference. When you are ready, you will have the ability to choose which Celestial Path you will follow and, accordingly do a better job of contributing to the meaningful outcomes you want to support.he soul itself.

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Chakra System • Wise Use of Our Life’s Energy

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
December 2, 2:00 PM • Presented by Judith Sugg, Ph.D.

In Theosophy, we talk about the physical body and etheric form (the energy body) as enabling experience on the physical plane. In the esoteric anatomy of yoga, chakras fire or block specific energies of the personality. As the personality becomes more integrated, access to spiritual wisdom can come more readily and steadily. Continue reading