
Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
April 11, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Several ancient religions, philosophies, and schools of thought, including Theosophy, accept the concept of Reincarnation as a logical alternative to just having one chance, or life cycle, to “get it right” on the spiritual plane. As expressed in the Third Proposition of Theosophy, each of us, as “sparks” of the Divine, must embark on an obligatory pilgrimage, or journey, through many cycles of incarnations in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Do we retain any memories from these past lives? If so, how do they manifest in our present life? Please join us for a group discussion on this very significant topic.

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Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
March 8, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Several ancient religions, philosophies, and schools of thought, including Theosophy, accept the concept of Reincarnation as a logical alternative to just having one chance, or life cycle, to “get it right” on the spiritual plane. As expressed in the Third Proposition of Theosophy, each of us, as “sparks” of the Divine, must embark on an obligatory pilgrimage, or journey, through many cycles of incarnations in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Continue reading

Karma, Reincarnation, and Astrology

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 16, 2:00 PM • Presented by Judith Hill

The great American psychic Edgar Cayce stated that we could know something of our past life activities by observing our current life’s “proclivities”. Our natal chart provides an accurate portrait of these proclivities; and thus, provides a window into our previous life attainments, (both negative and positive). Furthermore, ancient astrological traditions abound regarding “karma” as shown in the birth chart. One idea is that we are reborn at a time that best reflects us, and our self-generated karmas. However, we must expand this term “karma” to include five distinct types of cause-and-effect. Continue reading


Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
March 4, 2:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Several ancient religions, philosophies, and schools of thought, including Theosophy, accept the concept of Reincarnation as a logical alternative to just having one chance, or life cycle, to “get it right” on the spiritual plane. As expressed in the Third Proposition of Theosophy, each of us, as “sparks” of the Divine, must embark on an obligatory pilgrimage, or journey, through many cycles of incarnations in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Do we retain any memories from these past lives? If so, how do they manifest in our present life? Please join us for a group discussion on this very significant topic.


CANCELED due to winter storm warnings.

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 8, 3:00 PM  •  Group Study

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Theosophy tells us that reincarnation is the means for the evolution of consciousness, with the ultimate flowering of each individual into a perfected being who graduates from the school of human life. Why don’t we remember our past lives? How do our past lives affect us today? Our group discussion will cover these and other questions.