The Seven Rays — Divine Expression Taking Form

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Oct. 24, 2:00 PM • Presented by Therese Rossignol

Seven streams of consciousness, understood in esoteric traditions, as The Seven Rays, underlie all aspects of manifestation. In this program we will explore the energy of the Seven Rays, the qualities and expression of each ray, and examples of the ray’s expression in sound, color, nature, personality and even the soul itself.

 In this 90-minute talk we will explore the Seven Rays and how understanding this ancient body of knowledge reveals profound clues to life and consciousness. Manifestation of the Seven Rays will be presented along with keywords to describe each ray’s qualities, astrology, representative historical figures, vocations, and personality and soul expression.

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Symbols of Psychological and Spiritual Growth

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Oct. 10, 2:00 PM • Presented by Sue Prescott

Everything in our world is coded in symbolism. A human being itself is a symbol as shown on the signs of a restroom door. Symbols guide us in our lives and influence our behavior and emotions toward personal growth and development. Psychology has many symbols that signify a human being’s progress and evolution, such as ones IQ or Emotional Intelligence. It also has symbols that mirror aspects of spirituality. For example, the range of ones group of friends or family is expressed by the circle, which is an ancient symbol of spirituality signifying the Oneness of Life.

Join Sue Prescott as she explores a myriad of psychological and spiritual symbols that guide people to find meaning in their lives and a sense of personal well-being.

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Extraordinary Awakenings: When Trauma leads to Transformation

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, September 9, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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For 15 years, the transpersonal psychologist Steve Taylor has been researching cases of spontaneous spiritual awakening that occur in the midst of intense psychological turmoil. In times of bereavement, serious illness, addiction, deep depression, and intense stress, a miraculous transformation sometimes occurs: the death of an old identity and the birth of a new, spiritually-awakened Self. Steve will share some examples of these extraordinary awakenings from his research and explain the reasons why intense suffering can cause them. He will also explain what we can learn from the phenomenon and teach some principles that can apply to our own spiritual development. 

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