The Power of Awareness

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 10, 2:00 PM • Presented by Pablo Sender, Ph.D.

Most of us deal with the challenges of daily living by means of physical, emotional and intellectual responses. Although this approach may be appropriate to cope with situations on a practical level, it is rarely able to address the root cause of the difficulties we encounter. But there is a faculty higher than the ability to act, feel and think, which can bring about a fundamental change in ourselves and in society. Continue reading

Theosophy and Transformation

Special Saturday Workshop
February 9, 1:00 PM • Presented by Pablo Sender, Ph.D.

Theosophical teachings have great depth and provide a sound explanation of life, human nature, and our evolutionary journey. However, when these teachings are approached as a mere philosophy, they may lose a vital element that can make a difference in the way we live. In this workshop, Pablo Sender will explore how to highlight the practical aspects of the teachings so that they become a force for transformation.

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Kharma/Dharma // Dharma/Kharma

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
February 3, 2:00 PM • Group Study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: It can be said that “Kharma” and “dharma” represent two sides of the same “coin.” These two ancient laws are intrinsically linked as the primary, impersonal forces shaping all past, present, and future life cycles. Kharma has often been defined as “fate” and “Dharma” as duty, but these definitions can be sometimes misleading. In Theosophy, Kharma expresses the impartial, scientific law of “cause and effect,” or ” for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction on all of the planes”. Dharma refers to the inner truth of an individual as it unfolds. Please join us as we explore these two profound laws.

Lee Haga has been a member of the Theosophical Society in America since 1979, She enjoys moderating group discussions on esoteric topics.

Kabbalah and the Sephirot: Personal Energy and Individual Potential

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 27, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ron Karsten

The symbolism of the Kabbalist Tree of Life is featured. The Sephirot, connections to astrology, numerology, angelic lore, tarot, and the interpretations of colors are discussed. Discover a way of thinking and concepts of relating and sharing. The study of the Tree of Life is a vital tool for self-discovery and profound inner knowing. Continue reading

The Theosophical View of Man and His Seven Fields

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
January 6, 2:00 PM • Panel discussion moderated by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: Interpenetrating the dense matter of our physical world are other ”higher” fields composed of frequencies. In the same way, man has “higher” fields composed of these finer grades of matter that permeate his dense physical body or “vehicle.” Please join us today as we discuss man’s seven fields and their conveyances, or “vehicles” of expression and importance. You will never think the same about your personal “vehicle!” Continue reading

The Cyclic Law of the Universe

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
December 9, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: This Cyclic Law also includes the Identity with the Oversoul, which states that we are each connected as sparks of the Divine to the Universal Oversoul. As such, every spark, soul, or being must travel through its own specifically designated time span, or cycle, in this world until that spark is “extinguished” and returns to be absorbed into the Oversoul.

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Chakra System • Wise Use of Our Life’s Energy

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
December 2, 2:00 PM • Presented by Judith Sugg, Ph.D.

In Theosophy, we talk about the physical body and etheric form (the energy body) as enabling experience on the physical plane. In the esoteric anatomy of yoga, chakras fire or block specific energies of the personality. As the personality becomes more integrated, access to spiritual wisdom can come more readily and steadily. Continue reading

Meditation Program, Part B

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
November 18, 2:00 PM • Presented by Ursula Velonis, Ph.D.

We will provide space and time to share some of the meditation experiences with those present. We will also learn how meditation helps to purify, develop and refine the subtle bodies beyond the physical and etheric, including the mental and fiery.

Ursula Velonis is a speaker, writer, artist, psychotherapist, mentor, adjunct professor, and Higher Self Yoga Practitioner.

The Universal Law of Periodicity

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
November 4, 2:00 PM • Group study hosted by Lee Haga

Fundamentals of Theosophy: What do high and low tides, night and day, and life and death all have in common? They are manifestations of the Second Proposition, i.e., the Universal Law of Periodicity. This Law, which is discernible on all levels of Nature and life on this planet, exemplifies the concept of Abstract Space and constant Abstract Motion, or the Great Breath, in and out.

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