The Seven Rays — Divine Expression Taking Form

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Oct. 24, 2:00 PM • Presented by Therese Rossignol

Seven streams of consciousness, understood in esoteric traditions, as The Seven Rays, underlie all aspects of manifestation. In this program we will explore the energy of the Seven Rays, the qualities and expression of each ray, and examples of the ray’s expression in sound, color, nature, personality and even the soul itself.

 In this 90-minute talk we will explore the Seven Rays and how understanding this ancient body of knowledge reveals profound clues to life and consciousness. Manifestation of the Seven Rays will be presented along with keywords to describe each ray’s qualities, astrology, representative historical figures, vocations, and personality and soul expression.

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The Mahatmas: Working with the Wise Ones for a Better World

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, October 21, 7:00 p.m. CDT

the mahatmas working with the wise ones for a better world with barbara hebert 10. 21 21

Throughout time and across cultures, there have always been those who embody and share the spiritual knowledge that many refer to as the Ageless Wisdom. These spiritual beings may be called elders, wise ones, shamans, or any number of given names. Within the Theosophical teachings, they are referred to in several ways: the Mahatmas, the Masters, and the adepts. H.P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, was the first person to introduce the concept of the Mahatmas to the Western world. Join us for a discussion about the Mahatmas past and present, as well as our possible role in working with these wise ones today.

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The NDE Zone: Connected by the Light from the Cosmic to the Subatomic

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, October 14, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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Since the dawn of human history, people have reported near-death experiences, shared-death experiences, deathbed visions, and after death communication. These phenomena happen when the energy of the human soul interfaces briefly with the higher vibration of the Afterlife Frequency. This inter-dimensional communication occurs in the NDE Zone—between our material world dimension and the Other Side dimension.

One of the most profound aspects of these phenomena is encountering the Light. Since ancient times, belief systems worldwide describe an encounter with the Divine Power known as God in terms of light. Albert Einstein said, “We are all Light Beings.” Light is also the only form of electromagnetic energy visible to the human eye.

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Symbols of Psychological and Spiritual Growth

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Oct. 10, 2:00 PM • Presented by Sue Prescott

Everything in our world is coded in symbolism. A human being itself is a symbol as shown on the signs of a restroom door. Symbols guide us in our lives and influence our behavior and emotions toward personal growth and development. Psychology has many symbols that signify a human being’s progress and evolution, such as ones IQ or Emotional Intelligence. It also has symbols that mirror aspects of spirituality. For example, the range of ones group of friends or family is expressed by the circle, which is an ancient symbol of spirituality signifying the Oneness of Life.

Join Sue Prescott as she explores a myriad of psychological and spiritual symbols that guide people to find meaning in their lives and a sense of personal well-being.

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A New Scientific Paradigm to Accommodate Matter, Mind, and Spirit

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, October 7, 7:00 p.m. CDT

a new scientific paradigm to accommodate matter mind and spirit with bernard carr 10 21 21

A new paradigm of physics is presented, based on the notion that a common feature of many mental and spiritual phenomena is that they involve some form of space, albeit different from physical space. It is argued that even a description of physical perception requires a 5-dimensional model, with the 5th dimension being associated with mental time.

This proposal may relate to recent developments in brane cosmology and impinges on two problems on the borders of physics and philosophy: the relationship between physical space and perceptual space and the passage of time. A description of non-physical perception, including dreams, OBEs, NDEs and some mystical states, may require further dimensions, suggesting a higher-dimensional “reality structure”, which is reminiscent of some ideas already proposed by modern physics. A description of consciousness must entail a proper understanding of the specious present, the minimum timescale of conscious experience, and this may also relate to higher dimensions.

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How Theosophy and a “WholeWorld-View” Can Empower Our Conscious Evolution

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, September 30, 7:00 p.m. CDT

how theosophy and the wholeworld view can empower our conscious evolution with dr jude currivan 9 30 21

Recent scientific evidence at all scales of existence—from the tiniest so-called Planck scale to the entire Universe, and across numerous fields of research, are discovering that our Universe exists and evolves as a unified entity. Dr. Jude Currivan calls this a WholeWorld-View, which integrates a unitive understanding of the nature of reality, shows that the appearance of our Universe emerges from deeper levels of causation, and that mind and consciousness aren’t what we have but what we and the whole world are. It reveals a Universe of meaning and purpose that embodies an impulse to evolve from simplicity to complexity and ever-greater self-awareness. Synergizing with universal wisdom teachings such as Theosophy has the potential to help heal our fragmented perspectives and empower our conscious evolution.

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The Wisdom of Hungry Ghosts

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, September 23, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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In the Buddhist cycle of existence, the realm of hungry ghosts is one of the unfortunate realms of rebirth, and those reborn there are often described as having enormous stomachs and tiny mouths, forever thwarted in their search for food. But hungry ghosts know the error of their ways, and they sometimes appear among humans — like the ghosts that haunt Ebenezer Scrooge — as augurs of what may await. Humans, they know, have a tendency to cultivate meanness (mātsarya), which makes those people cruel, immoral, and oblivious to their own self-righteousness. That meanness can lead to madness and misery. Thankfully, hungry ghosts offer unique insight into the human condition, and can provide us with the solution to this problem.

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Contemporary Paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft: Foundations of the Craft of the Wise

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, September 16, 7:00 p.m. CDT

contemporary paganism wicca and witchcraft with gwendolyn reece 9 16 21

There is a great deal of misunderstanding and confusion about Paganism and Wicca, often with some negative historical Christian connotations. However, the traditions under this umbrella comprise one of the fastest growing new religious movements in the country. Wiccan High Priestess Gwendolyn Reece will introduce these traditions and the ways in which practitioners can seek to create a generative new vision by daring to live a magical life.  

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The Nine Stages of Meditation

Sunday Afternoon Public Programs
Sept. 12, 2:00 PM • Presented by David Hopper

There are numerous paths of self-discovery that lead to a union with God and the Divine. Meditation is one such path. Using a Tibetan thangka with its pictorial imagery, we will explore the various stages of meditation as set down by the ancient traditions in India and Tibet. There are nine distinct stages, which can still find resonance here in our 21st century lives.  

In this talk, we will draw connections with various stages of discipleship and spiritual initiation and understand how the power of thought, mantras, and affirmations play a role in personal  transformation.

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Extraordinary Awakenings: When Trauma leads to Transformation

FREE WEBCAST Thursday, September 9, 7:00 p.m. CDT

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For 15 years, the transpersonal psychologist Steve Taylor has been researching cases of spontaneous spiritual awakening that occur in the midst of intense psychological turmoil. In times of bereavement, serious illness, addiction, deep depression, and intense stress, a miraculous transformation sometimes occurs: the death of an old identity and the birth of a new, spiritually-awakened Self. Steve will share some examples of these extraordinary awakenings from his research and explain the reasons why intense suffering can cause them. He will also explain what we can learn from the phenomenon and teach some principles that can apply to our own spiritual development. 

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